At Christ Church, we pride ourselves in the provision that we offer for children with Special Educational Needs. We have a highly trained staff team who support the inclusion of all children, regardless of their need. We work closely with a range of external services in order to strengthen our provision even further. Should you require any further information about how we will meet the needs of your child, please do not hesitate to contact school.


Inclusion Co-ordinator: Miss A Firth (Deputy Headteacher)


Miss Firth can be contacted via the School Office, 01422 832454.


Here are some documents that further demonstrate how we provide for children who have SEN.


Special Educational Need and Disability Policy 

Supporting Children with Medical Needs

Equality Objectives

Accessibility Plan

Christ Church SEN Local Offer

Calderdale SEN Local Offer



At Christ Church, we pride ourselves in the provision that we offer for children with Special Educational Needs. We have a highly trained staff team who support the inclusion of all children, regardless of their need. We work closely with a range of external services in order to strengthen our provision even further. Should you require any further information about how we will meet the needs of your child, please do not hesitate to contact school.


Inclusion Co-ordinator: Miss A Firth (Deputy Headteacher)


Miss Firth can be contacted via the School Office, 01422 832454.


Here are some documents that further demonstrate how we provide for children who have SEN.


Special Educational Need and Disability Policy 

Supporting Children with Medical Needs

Equality Objectives

Accessibility Plan

Christ Church SEN Local Offer

Calderdale SEN Local Offer