

See our Admissions Policy here


Coronavirus (COVID-19): school admission appeals update

Due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, the process for holding appeals has been changed following the guidance provided by the Government. You can access the new regulations via the following link to the Governments website.

You can still submit a school admission appeal. However, there may be unavoidable delays in scheduling your school appeal hearing. This means that the normal timescales and process below may not be followed. You will be sent further details once your appeal has been scheduled.

In-year transfer applications

Appeals for children refused a place at a preferred school as a result of an in-year transfer application will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

September 2023 entry

Appeals for children refused a place for admission to Year 3 in September 2022 will be heard according to the following statutory timescales:

School Admissions Appeal Timetable:


Offer Date

Appeals lodged

Appeals heard

Year 3

17 April 2023

by 1 May 2023

within 40 school days


after 1 May

within 30 school days


Parents/carers will be notified of their appeal date at least 10 school days before the hearing.

A copy of the school’s statement of case will be sent to each parent/carer 5 school days before the hearing.

Any additional evidence parents/carers wish to submit in support of their appeal must be sent to the clerk at least 7 school days before the hearing. Any evidence not submitted by this deadline may not be considered by the independent appeal panel.



See our Admissions Policy here


Coronavirus (COVID-19): school admission appeals update

Due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, the process for holding appeals has been changed following the guidance provided by the Government. You can access the new regulations via the following link to the Governments website.

You can still submit a school admission appeal. However, there may be unavoidable delays in scheduling your school appeal hearing. This means that the normal timescales and process below may not be followed. You will be sent further details once your appeal has been scheduled.

In-year transfer applications

Appeals for children refused a place at a preferred school as a result of an in-year transfer application will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

September 2023 entry

Appeals for children refused a place for admission to Year 3 in September 2022 will be heard according to the following statutory timescales:

School Admissions Appeal Timetable:


Offer Date

Appeals lodged

Appeals heard

Year 3

17 April 2023

by 1 May 2023

within 40 school days


after 1 May

within 30 school days


Parents/carers will be notified of their appeal date at least 10 school days before the hearing.

A copy of the school’s statement of case will be sent to each parent/carer 5 school days before the hearing.

Any additional evidence parents/carers wish to submit in support of their appeal must be sent to the clerk at least 7 school days before the hearing. Any evidence not submitted by this deadline may not be considered by the independent appeal panel.



See our Admissions Policy here


Coronavirus (COVID-19): school admission appeals update

Due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, the process for holding appeals has been changed following the guidance provided by the Government. You can access the new regulations via the following link to the Governments website.

You can still submit a school admission appeal. However, there may be unavoidable delays in scheduling your school appeal hearing. This means that the normal timescales and process below may not be followed. You will be sent further details once your appeal has been scheduled.

In-year transfer applications

Appeals for children refused a place at a preferred school as a result of an in-year transfer application will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

September 2023 entry

Appeals for children refused a place for admission to Year 3 in September 2022 will be heard according to the following statutory timescales:

School Admissions Appeal Timetable:


Offer Date

Appeals lodged

Appeals heard

Year 3

17 April 2023

by 1 May 2023

within 40 school days


after 1 May

within 30 school days


Parents/carers will be notified of their appeal date at least 10 school days before the hearing.

A copy of the school’s statement of case will be sent to each parent/carer 5 school days before the hearing.

Any additional evidence parents/carers wish to submit in support of their appeal must be sent to the clerk at least 7 school days before the hearing. Any evidence not submitted by this deadline may not be considered by the independent appeal panel.