
Find out what has been happening in school this week!


Local Authority Urgent Safety Communication
28/02/2025 12:22 PM

Dear Parents

I apologise in advance for the stark and distressing warning contained in this message, but we have been asked to send this alert to parents from the Local Authority Public Health Team. 

Miss Embleton


Blackout challenge / choking game

The “blackout challenge”, also referred to as the “choking game” or “pass-out challenge” encourages people to hold their breath until they experience a “high” or pass out due to a lack of oxygen.

It has been around since at least 2008 but has had widespread attention on TikTok since 2021.  Like other dangerous online challenges, it is targeted to a young audience.

Any activity that deprives the brain of oxygen has the potential to have lasting effects on the brain, or to result in death.

We have been made aware that young people in Calderdale may now be taking part in this extremely dangerous activity. 

Please be aware of the signs that might indicate that a young person is trying the blackout challenge, including:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Marks on the neck
  • Severe headaches
  • Feeling disorientated after spending time alone
  • Ropes, scarves, belts etc. found knotted or tied to bedroom door handles

Please speak to the young people in your lives, as you feel appropriate, about the risks associated with this challenge, and ensure they know who to speak to if they are concerned about a friend or classmate.

It is also important that children and young people’s social media usage is monitored.

School Crossing Patrol
27/01/2025 11:08 AM

Dear Parents

Please be aware that we are without a School Crossing Patrol again. This is likely to be a lengthy absence. I have asked Calderdale for cover, but availability is very limited.

Whilst it sounds simple that school provide the cover in the meantime, this is not possible as we are not covered by insurance to do this.

If your child walks home alone, please remind them of safe and responsible behaviours when crossing the road.

Many thanks.

Site update
13/01/2025 8:38 AM

Morning everyone

School paths are a little better, so the playground door will be open for Chestnuts and Sycamores children. Please take care still.

Many thanks

Weather Update
9/01/2025 7:08 AM

Morning all. We are open from normal times. It is very very icy out there and as much as we have gritted, the temperature is lower than we've seen this week and there are patches of black ice. Same as yesterday, only come to school if it is safe to do so. We will continue to authorise absence. Everyone in through the main entrance please.

Many thanks

Weather Update
8/01/2025 8:10 AM

Morning all. We are open from normal times. It is very very icy out there and as much as we have gritted, the temperature is dropping and it is getting slippy once again. Same as yesterday, only come to school if it is safe to do so. We will continue to authorise absence.

Many thanks